About Us

About Vanguard High School

Vanguard High School borders the northern Ocala city limits. The school continues to stay on the cutting edge of curriculum offerings and is a leader in school-wide technology. Extracurricular offerings span from service clubs to academic clubs and individual and team sports.

Grades: 9-12
Teachers: 100
Enrollment: 1,700
School Colors: Red, White and Blue
Mascot: Knights


The vision of Vanguard High School is to educate students who graduate as life-long learners and responsible, productive citizens of our changing world.


The mission of Vanguard High School is that Vanguard High School will be a safe, caring center for excellence that meets student and community needs through innovative academic and extracurricular programs, committed parental involvement, and exposure to opportunities for success.

We honor an HONOR CODE at VHS:

Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. 

The Marion County Code of Student Conduct defines cheating as follows: Willful or deliberant unauthorized use of another person for academic purposes, or inappropriate use of notes or other materials in the completion of an academic assignment or test. In addition to corrective measures, the granting of credit for the assignment may be considered null and void.


The school and community are mutually and continually involved in a multitude of projects. With the approval of the International Baccalaureate Organization, Vanguard began its affiliation year in 1996 when it became the 26th high school in Florida.